Father Jeff Windy
Current assignment:
St. Theresa (Earlville), Holy Cross (Mendota), Sts. Peter and Paul (Peterstown)
Born: LaSalle, Illinois
Birthday: November 20, 1970
Ordained: May 25, 1996
Past assignments:
Assistant of St. Mark (Peoria), 1996.
While remaining Assistant of St. Mark (Peoria); Assistant Chaplain of Notre Dame High School (Peoria), 1998.
Pastor of St. Patrick (Sheffield), St. Margaret (Wyanet), 1998.
Leave of absence, 2002.
Parochial Vicar of Holy Trinity (Bloomington), Historic St. Patrick (Bloomington), 2013.
Leave of absence.
Parochial Vicar of Holy Cross (Mendota), St. Theresa (Earlville), Sts. Peter and Paul (Peterstown), 2021.