Father Gregory J. Jozefiak
Current assignment:
Holy Family (Peoria) - Pastor
Incardinated in the Diocese of Peoria
Born: Chicago, Illinois
Birthday: May 25, 1961
Ordained: May 23, 1992
Past assignments:
Assistant of St. Vincent de Paul (Peoria), 1992.
Assistant of Holy Cross (Champaign), 1995.
Assistant Chaplain of St. John’s Chapel (Champaign), 1996.
Pastor of St. Mary (Delavan), St. Joseph (Hopedale), 1997.
Assistant Chaplain of Pekin Federal Prison (Pekin), 2000.
Pastor of Holy Family (Oglesby), 2000.
Pastor of St. Joseph (Rock Island), St. Mary (Rock Island), 2005.
While remaining Pastor of St. Joseph (Rock Island), St. Mary (Rock Island); Chaplain of Alleman High School (Rock Island), 2006.
Pastor of St. Mary (Rock Island), Sacred Heart (Rock Island), 2007.
Pastor of St. Anne (East Moline), Our Lady of Guadalupe (Silvis), 2011.
Pastor of St. Mary of Lourdes (Germantown Hills), 2014.
While remaining Pastor of St. Mary of Lourdes (Germantown Hills); Pastor of St. Mary (Metamora), 2015.
Pastor Holy Family, Peoria (2022).